Monday, February 5, 2007

Good Cops

I've been meaning to post this link for a few days now but I never seem to remember... see, there are still some good cops out there! But that probably means the guy wouldn't let anything go... is that a good thing or a bad thing?

In my case that would not be a good thing... I have a little habit of driving just a bit over posted speed limits...

So now I'm posting from the mac lab in the superlab during my media writing class, shame on me but it's so boring... and hey, it's a change of scenery right?

Ah, and I know we're not really supposed to combine topics in posts but I just found this and I really have to link this one too! Pep talks, who would have thought that it could get you fired?? Back when I was in high school basketball my coach said stuff like this all the time but I guess he never actually went this far... and also it was a girls team, we didn't really have male genetalia to check...

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