Friday, February 2, 2007

Tryin new things...

I have had the worst hangover today. The worst because it's my first. Yeah this is going to sound kinda funny, but until last night I'd never gotten drunk. I've drank before, but never more than a drink or two, not even enough to be buzzed. And if it wasn't for my asshole of an ex-boyfriend that wouldn't have changed.

Okay, heres the story. He decided yesterday afternoon that he wanted to come over and see me, take me out to dinner and a movie, you get the drift. I have no idea why. He never wanted to do that kind of stuff when we were dating. Anyway he took me out to eat and we rented a couple of movies and headed back to my room, where he proceeded to pull a bottle of captain morgan out of his bag. I figured we were going to have just a couple of drinks, no big deal. Well I made a mistake: I let him mix the drinks.

I've never tried rum before. I'm a vodka fan, especially if I have some orange juice to mix with it. So I had my first captain coke, and it was okay. I hate coke, but oh well. I guess it was pretty strong. And then the second one was stronger. Before it was all said and done, I think I had another one or two. And I ended up passed out after throwing up in my trashcan. Not cool. And then the wonderous aftermath: waking up with a killer headache and my ex-boyfriend in my bed, trying to get rid of the taste in my mouth with two gallons of mouthwash, and feeling sick when I smelled food.

So, I do have a question along with this story. I want to know, why would anyone deliberately do that to themselves? Right now, I never want to drink again. Not even my vodka and OJ. Not even a little bit.

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